Hi there, Welcome to Bike vs Bike!

My name is Will and I created this website to provide a unique spin on traditional exercise bike and electric bike reviews.

Think of it as “Battlebots”, but with bikes instead of deadly robots.

And with a lot less screeching metal and leaking oil.

The idea is to compare 2 or more bikes against each other in a head-to-head competition to see which one is the better buy.

And in order to keep these “competitions” as objective as possible, bikes will be judged based on key performance specs and features, as well as price of course.

And a winner will be decided based on who ever has the best combination of specs and features.

And don’t worry, I’m not shy about throwing my 2 cents in the mix as well.

I’ll also offer plenty of product reviews for exercise and e-bikes, but in those reviews, I’ll try to compare the bike to other comps in its price range to see how it really stacks up.

I’m hoping that you’ll find this format both fun and informative- after all, the ultimate goal of my site is to provide helpful information regarding these bikes so you can find the best option to meet your fitness needs.

But let’s talk about me for a minute.

For my day job, I’m a home health physical therapist.

I’ve been a therapist in one setting or another for about 15 years now and I’ve seen my fair share of folks looking to stay fit from home.

I found myself discussing exercise equipment options with my patients often, especially exercise bikes because they work so well for home gyms.

And regardless of what joint or mobility issues you might have, odds are there’s still an exercise bike out there that you can use comfortably.

These conversations got me thinking about starting an exercise bike themed website.

I’ve been researching and writing about fitness equipment for some time now. I have another home fitness website that’s been going pretty strong for several years.

But I was actually inspired to start this site after reading a book with my son.

There’s a series of childrens books where they talk about 2 interesting animals or insects and then decide who would win if those 2 creatures got in a fight.

I think the series is called “Who Would Win”, but I can’t remember.

An example would be like “Scorpion vs Tarantula” or “Alligator vs Python”.

In either case, they discuss the key features of each animal and then compare the two to see who would come out on top.

The books are really cool and informative and my son loves them. After reading one, I thought it would be interesting to do a review site with the same structure.

Well, Bike vs Bike is the result of that inspiration.

My goal for this site is to provide great information regarding all kinds of exercise bikes, including uprights, recumbents, spin cycles, and air models.

And e-bikes too because, well, why not – they’re fun, good for the environment, and a different form of exercise.

I’m hoping you’ll find this website entertaining and helpful at the same time.

If at any time you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to leave a message and I’ll get back to ya as soon as I can.

You can leave comments on any post, or if you’d prefer, you can email me at: will@bikevsbike.com.

Thanks for reading!



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