The Yosuda Indoor Cycle vs The Cyclace – Which Bike Makes More Sense?

When it comes to really affordable spin bikes, there aren’t many that are more popular than the Yosuda Indoor Cycle and the Cyclace.

And it’s pretty easy to see why so many people are buying these bikes- they both have a lot to offer and they both come with really small price tags.

Affordable and effective- that’s a sure fired way of getting popular.

Ok, so both bikes have earned their way to the top of the budget spin bike pile, but which cycle is better?

Ah, that’s the real question and luckily, that’s exactly what I plan on discussing here and now.

In this article, I’ll provide a side-by-side comparison of the Yosuda Indoor Cycle and the Cyclace. We’ll take a look at all the key specs and features in order to see how these bikes stack up against each other.

After reading, you’ll know once and for all, which budget bike is the better buy (now that’s what I call alliteration!).

Let’s begin.

Yosuda Indoor CycleThe Cyclace
Resistance35 lb flywheel
Friction brake resistance
36 lb flywheel
Friction brake resistance
Frame73 lb assembled weight
270 lb weight capacity
86 lb assembled weight
330 lb weight capacity
Warranty1 year parts1 year parts
FeaturesSimple LCD monitor
Fully adjustable seat
Tablet holder
Water bottle holder
Toe cage pedals
Simple LCD monitor
Fully adjustable seat
Drop handle grips
Tablet holder
Water bottle holder
Toe cage pedals

The Yosuda Indoor Cycle (YB001) vs The Cyclace


As I’m writing this, the Yosuda Indoor Cycle is ranked overall as the #2 most purchased exercise bike on Amazon…and it’s held the #1 spot in the past.

Do you know how many exercise bikes there are on Amazon?

I don’t have an exact number, but according to Amazon’s search results, it’s somewhere over 10,000.

Now I’m assuming that number is counting some duplicate models and what not, but my point is they have a lot of bikes for sale and the Yosuda is at the top of that list in terms of popularity.

The Cyclace is no slouch either though.

At the time of writing this, it’s ranked at #16 on that same list, meaning it’s being purchased more than about 10,000 other bikes.

I say this just to give you an idea as to how popular these 2 cycles are.

And let’s be real, there are a lot of affordable bikes to choose from these days, so the fact that these 2 bikes are being purchased by so many people has got to say something.

Moving on, Yosuda actually has 2 cycles to choose from. The most popular one (and the one I’ll be talking about today) is the YB001.

The other one is the YB007A, which an upgraded, slightly more expensive version of the YB001.

Cyclace only offers the one bike, so there won’t be any confusion there.


I think it’s a good idea to start with a comparison of the resistance systems on these bikes because I think this is the most important aspect of any exercise bike.

That’s because regardless of all the other features, if a bike can’t provide a good workout, I doubt you’ll be using it for very long.

Spin bikes are known for their ability to provide high intensity workouts and mimic the feel of riding a road bike.

In order to achieve this, most utilize a heavy flywheel.

And by “heavy” I mean over 20 lb, although these days you’ll find flywheels weighing well over 30 lb on even the most affordable models.

Flywheel weight is certainly worth considering, but you also have to think about the resistance mechanism being used.

Home indoor cycles will use either a magnetic resistance system or a friction brake system.

Magnetic systems are preferred, because they feel smoother and don’t require maintenance, but friction brakes are cheaper.

With all of this wonderful background info in your head now, let’s talk specifically about the Yosuda and Cyclace (great name by the way) bikes.

The Yosuda cycle comes with a 35 lb flywheel, which is great for any price range and easily heavy enough to provide a smooth pedal motion.

The Cyclace comes with an even heavier, 36 lb flywheel, which is also great.

In terms of resistance mechanisms, both bikes use wool friction brakes, so there’s no difference there.

With a friction brake, you’ll eventually have to replace the pad as it brakes down, but on the plus side you can make “unlimited” adjustments to your resistance (there aren’t any set resistance levels).

Both bikes also include an extra replacement wool pad, which is a nice touch on both accounts.

Overall, both bikes come with very heavy flywheels, but the Cyclace’s is just a bit heavier. Both bikes also use the same friction brake resistance system, so there really aren’t any differences in this category.


The Yosuda and Cyclace bikes are very similar when it comes to their resistance systems, so let’s move on and see how their frames stack up against each other.

When it comes to bike frames, I like to look at 2 specs in particular: the assembled weight and the weight capacity.

(When it comes to dimensions and footprints, all spin bikes are about the same, so I don’t think those specs will really make that much difference when deciding between models).

Seeing higher numbers in both of these categories is a good thing and indicative of a heavier-duty frame- which will be less likely to feel flimsy or wobble during workouts.

The Yosuda Cycle comes with an assembled weight of 73 lb, which is quite light for an indoor cycle (although fairly common for this price range).

The Cyclace comes with an assembled weight of 86 lb, making it significantly heavier than the Yosuda, especially considering there’s only a 1 lb difference between their flywheels.

The Yosuda comes with a weight limit of 270 lb, while the Cyclace comes with a weight capacity of 330 lb.

This is another significant difference and evidence that the Cyclace is designed to be able to hold larger users as well as smaller ones.

Overall, the Cyclace is much heavier-duty than the Yosuda and easily wins this category.


Budget exercise bikes aren’t known for having extensive warranties. After all, most affordable bikes are affordable for good reason, and a lousy warranty happens to be one of them.

The Yosuda and Cyclace both come with the same residential warranty:

  • 1 year parts

Yeah, I told ya these warranties were lousy, but this is actually the norm for bikes in this price range.

Going with a bike this affordable is a bit of a gamble because you never know how long it’ll hold up, but all things considered, I think both of these bikes are better bets than most other bikes in this price range.


That about does it for the performance side of things for these 2 cycles (spin bikes are really simple devices when you think about it), so let’s move on to the features.

It’s true- budget bikes don’t usually have that much to offer in the features department, but there are still a few I’d like to mention with regards to these 2 bikes.

When it comes to the “console”, there really aren’t any differences between the Yosuda and Cyclace. Both bikes come with very basic LCD screens that only show your time, distance, speed, and calories burned during workouts.

They both also have an odometer function that tracks your overall distance.

Both bikes come with fully adjustable seats, meaning you can adjust both the height and horizontal (fore/aft) position for optimal comfort.

Both bikes also come with height adjustable handle bars, but the Cyclace comes with the extra drop handle position, which isn’t found on many models.

Both bikes come with tablet holders and water bottle holders, so no significant differences there.

And both bikes come with toe cage pedals that are designed for use with sneakers, so you don’t have to worry about getting cleats or anything for either bike (although you can easily swap pedals on either bike if you want to).

Overall, the only real difference I see in terms of features is that the Cyclace offers the drop handle position on its handlebars.


Now it’s time to talk about one of the most important considerations: price.

Realistically, I understand that cost is one of the biggest factors dictating which bike most of us will choose, but in some cases it can be worth investing a little extra to get a better experience.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at the current prices for these 2 bikes:

Yosuda Indoor Cycle (YB001): $279.99

The Cyclace: $329.99

Keep in mind, these prices could change at any time, so please don’t take it out on me if these numbers aren’t 100% accurate by the time you read this.

But generally speaking, the Cyclace costs about $50 more than the Yosuda.

I would still consider both of these bikes to be very budget friendly though, considering elite indoor cycles can easily cost upwards of $2000.

Is the Cyclace worth the extra $50 or does it make sense to go with the more affordable Yosuda?

Keep reading.

Other Considerations

I like to save this area for any extra bits of knowledge I want to share before I conclude the comparison.

In this case, I want to share that Yosuda and Cyclace both get really positive remarks regarding their customer service, which is pretty rare for fitness brands in any price range.

Both bikes are also very well received by users.

At the time of writing this, both bikes come with an average user rating of 4.4/5 on Amazon with thousands of reviews for each.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, these are 2 very popular indoor cycles.

Final Thoughts

Well, I think it’s about time to wrap things up here.

I think it’s pretty safe to say the Yosuda Cycle and the Cyclace are both pretty solid spin bikes for the price.

To sum things up, their resistance systems are very similar and there are really no differences in terms of features or warranties.

Looking at the specs and features, the biggest difference I see is that the Cyclace is significantly heavier-duty- it weighs more and comes with a substantially higher weight capacity.

So, without further ado, when it comes to the Yosuda Indoor Cycle vs the Cyclace, the winner is…

The Cyclace

Yup, there ya have it.

I think it makes sense to invest the extra $50 and go with the Cyclace over the Yosuda because I think the heavier-duty frame is well worth it, especially for larger users.

With the extra weight, the Cyclace will be more likely to feel stable during workouts, especially when working against heavier resistances.

Overall, both of these bikes are better than most of the comps in this price range, but I think the Cyclace is the smarter buy (I’d even go as far as saying it’s one of the best options in this price range).


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