The Echelon EX-3 vs The EX-5: Which Is The Better Buy?

Echelon has become a popular alternative for people looking to get the home streaming experience at a fraction of the cost of a luxury bike.

The most budget friendly models in Echelon’s lineup are the EX-3 and the EX-5 and at first glance, there doesn’t seem to be much of a difference between the 2.

And even with a second and third glance it can be difficult to spot the subtle differences between these cycles- but if you look really closely, there are a few.

If you’re trying to decide between these 2 bikes, you’ve come to the right place.

In this head-to-head comparison, I’ll go over the key differences between the Echelon Connect Bike EX-3 and EX-5. I’ll also add my 2 cents as to which bike I think is a better buy.

After reading, you’ll know everything you need to in order to decide which cycle is best suited for your home.

Echelon EX-3Echelon EX-5
Resistance29 lb flywheel
32 levels of magnetic resistance
29 lb flywheel
32 levels of magnetic resistance
Frame104 lb assembled weight
300 lb weight capacity
106 lb assembled weight
300 lb weight capacity
Warranty12 month parts
12 month labor
12 month parts
12 month labor
FeaturesSwiveling tablet holder
Fully adjustable seat
Fully adjustable handlebars
Dual compatible pedals
Comes in red, black, or white
Upgraded tablet holder
Upgraded handlebars
Fully adjustable seat
Fully adjustable handlebars
Dual compatible pedals
2 water bottle holders
Comes in black with red trim

The Echelon Connect Bike EX-3 vs The Ex-5


Echelon is the first real Peloton competitor that I remember hearing about. I can’t say for certain that Echelon came before NordicTrack’s Commercial S22i, but I was aware of Echelon first.

Regardless, Echelon has made a name for themselves with their budget-friendlier streaming bikes.

The biggest difference of course, was that with Echelon bikes you used your own tablet to act as the monitor (which allowed them to keep costs down).

Personally, I thought the idea was brilliant, assuming you already owned a tablet.

With time though, Echelon came out with higher-end cycles that also came with large, HD consoles, putting them in more of a direct competition with Peloton.

That said, they still offer a few of their original models that are lacking the consoles- these of course are the EX-3 and the EX-5 we’re here to compare today.

The EX-3 is the most affordable model in Echelon’s lineup, with the EX-5 being second.

Let’s start out comparison with a rundown of each bike’s performance specs and then we’ll compare the additional features each bike comes with.


As spin bikes, the EX-3 and EX-5 rely heavily on the weight of their flywheels to determine how smooth they operate and how much resistance they can provide.

The flywheel weight is an important spec to consider and most bikes are designed to benefit from having a heavier flywheel (the extra weight builds more momentum, which leads to a smoother pedaling motion).

But you also have to consider the type of resistance the bike uses.

In the case of the EX-3 and EX-5, both bikes use the same magnetic resistance system, so this isn’t an issue that needs to be compared.

Both bikes use the same turn dial to make resistance adjustments and both cycles also come with the same 32 levels of resistance to work with.

Both bikes also come with the same 29 lb (13 kg) flywheel as well (rear mounted), so I guess that isn’t really an issue either.

FYI, 29 lb is heavy enough to provide a pretty smooth pedal motion, although these days even affordable cycles are packing flywheels that weigh well over 30 lb.

The EX-3 and EX-5 both use a quiet belt drive train as well, so again, no differences here either.

Overall, the EX-3 and EX-5 are identical in terms of performance. Both bikes come with the same flywheel, same magnetic resistance system, and same belt drive.


These 2 bikes are the same when it comes to their resistance systems, so let’s move on and see how their frames compare.

When looking at a spin bike’s frame, I like to look at the assembled weight and the weight capacity.

I like to see higher numbers for both specs because it’ll mean the bike should feel heavier-duty during use- which is a good thing, because I don’t think anybody wants to ride a flimsy bike.

The EX-3 comes with an assembled weight of 104 lb and a max weight limit of 300 lb- both of which are very respectable for a bike in this price range.

The EX-5 comes with an assembled weight of 106 lb (according to their website, although a sales rep told me it weighs 112 lb) and the same 300 lb weight limit.

So, the EX-5 weighs a couple more pounds (or even 8 more), but both bikes come with the same weight capacity.

Looking at the dimensions, there isn’t much of a difference either, although the EX-3 takes up a few more inches of floor space when compared to the EX-5 (55″ x 20″ vs 52″ x 20″).

Overall, the EX-5 weighs a little bit more and takes up a little less room, but there is very little difference between these cycles when it comes to their frames.


Echelon backs their EX-3 and EX-5 with the same residential warranty:

  • 12 month parts
  • 12 month labor

I think you can upgrade this up to 3 years for a little extra cash and they also offer a 30 day risk free trial, but even so, this warranty is pretty weak.

Echelon doesn’t mention a separate frame warranty at all and 1 year on parts is short.

But in terms of comparing the EX-3 and EX-5, there are no differences whatsoever with regards to the warranties.


Ok, so far it’s really hard to tell the difference between these 2 cycles. If we’re keeping score, the EX-5 is a little heavier and a takes up 2″ less of floor space.

Is that really supposed to be worth an extra $200?

I would say definitely not, but let’s see how their features stack up against each other to see what other differences there might be.

Let’s start with the features the EX-3 and EX-5 have in common first. These include:

  • Built-in device holder
  • Fully adjustable seat
  • Fully adjustable handlebars
  • Dual compatible pedals (SPD and toe cage)
  • Dumbbell holders (weights not included)

Ok, so both bikes come with the above features, here’s what’s different between them.

The EX-5 comes an upgraded tablet holder that positions your tablet higher and out of the way of the handlebars. Speaking of handlebars, the EX-5 comes with more grip options than the EX-3 as well.

The EX-5 comes with 2 holders that are attached to the handlebars, while the EX-3 doesn’t (although the dumbbell holders could be used to hold water bottles if you weren’t using weights).

Another difference is that the EX-3 comes with 3 color options (red, black, or white) while the EX-5 only comes in 1 color (black with red trim).

That’s about it.

Keep in mind neither bike comes with a console, so you’ll have to connect your own tablet (or phone, but tablet is preferred) to access the Echelon app.

Both bikes use bluetooth to connect to your console and you have to sign up for Echelon’s streaming app to access workouts and see your workout metrics.

Overall, there are a few small differences between the EX-3 and EX-5 when it comes to the features.


I mentioned above that there’s a $200 difference between these bikes, but let’s get a little more specific. At the time of writing this, here are the prices for each cycle:

Echelon Connect Bike EX-3: $799

Echelon Connect Bike EX-5: $999

So yes, there the EX-5 does cost $200 more than the EX-3, but I would consider both bikes to be “budget friendly” considering how expensive indoor cycles can get.

Regardless of which Echelon you choose, keep in mind you’ll also have to pay the monthly streaming fee of $39.99 (or a little cheaper if you buy annually).

Final Thoughts

That’s about all the differences there are between the EX-3 and the EX-5.

I think it’s safe to say these 2 bikes are very similar.

When it comes to performance, there are no differences whatsoever- both bikes are packing the same flywheel, the same resistance systems, and the same amount of resistance levels.

The EX-5 weighs a couple pounds more than the EX-3, but both come with the same weight capacity.

Both bikes also come with the same warranty (which is a bit short).

The biggest differences are found in the features department, but even then, they’re quite subtle.

The EX-3 offers a few extra choices in terms of color, but the EX-5 comes with water bottle holders, upgraded handlebars, and a nicer tablet holder.

The real question then, is whether or not the EX-5 is worth the extra $200?

If you ask me, I’d say no, it isn’t.

I don’t think the small feature differences are enough to warrant the extra money- personally, I don’t think a water bottle holder and a tablet holder are worth 200 bucks.

When it comes to the EX-3 vs the EX-5, I think the EX-3 is the better buy.


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