Yosuda vs JOROTO – Which Is The Better Budget Cycle?

Yosuda and JOROTO make 2 of the most popular budget indoor cycles on the market. That’s actually a bit of an understatement- at the time of writing this, Yosuda actually has the top selling bike on Amazon.

So yeah, we’re talking that kind of popularity.

The JOROTO bikes haven’t reached that level quite yet, but they too are selling like hotcakes.

And since users of both brands seem to be overwhelmingly happy with both bikes, it can be quite difficult to decide which bike is better.

But that’s exactly what I’m gonna try to do.

In this review, I’ll provide a head to head comparison between these 2 popular indoor cycles. We’re talking specs, features, cost, and pretty much everything else in between.

After reading, you’ll know which one of these bikes is better suited for your home.

Let’s begin.

Yosuda (YB001)Joroto X2
Resistance35 lb flywheel
Felt friction pad system
35 lb flywheel
Magnetic system
Frame73 lb assembled weight
270 lb weight limit
94 lb assembled weight
300 lb weight limit
Warranty1 year parts1 year parts
FeaturesSmall LCD console
Fully adjustable seat
Toe cage pedals
Water bottle holder
Tablet holder
Small LCD console
Fully adjustable seat
Fully adjustable handlebars
Toe cage pedals
Water bottle holder
Tablet holder

The Yosuda (YB001) vs The JOROTO X2


As the names may imply, these are both Chinese brands, but as I mentioned above, they’ve both made a big splash into the American fitness scene.

I think the popularity of Peloton, in addition to all the streaming fitness services now, have really expanded the demand for budget friendly spin bikes.

The idea being you can get a bike for a fraction of the cost of the Peloton and then just join their streaming app and off ya go.

This is actually a really good idea, as long as the bike you choose has what it takes to provide a good workout.

Yosuda only really offers 3 products (at the time of writing this anyway)- 2 spin bikes and an under desk bike.

I’ll be talking about the YB001 here, but they’ve also got an upgraded version called the YB007A (catchy name right?).

JOROTO on the other hand, has a few more bikes to choose from, as well as a few treadmills, benches, and rowers.

The X2 is one of their most popular products to date, as well as one of their higher end indoor cycles.

Ok, now that we’re all acquainted, it’s time to get to the good stuff.

Let’s start by looking at what these bikes have to offer in the performance department first.


I think this is the single most important aspect to consider about any exercise bike. After all, if your bike can’t provide a smooth feel and adequate resistance, odds are you won’t be using it for long anyway.

When talking indoor cycles (especially really affordable ones), there’s 2 big things to consider when it comes to the resistance system- the flywheel and the resistance mechanism.

On cheaper bikes, having a heavier flywheel is going to be beneficial because the extra weight is going to make for a smoother pedal action.

This is because the extra weight builds more momentum, which helps the pedals keep moving throughout the entire pedal stroke, eliminating any lag or awkwardness that could occur.

When it comes to the resistance mechanisms, there are 2 you’ll come across- the friction brake and the magnetic system.

Friction brakes use a brake pad, usually felt, that makes physical contact with the spinning flywheel to create the resistance.

These systems can create a lot of resistance, but they don’t usually feel as smooth as magnetic bikes. And you’ll have to replace those felt pads periodically as they break down.

Magnetic systems are nice because there is no physical contact between the magnets and the flywheel.

This makes for a smoother feel and it doesn’t require any replacing of parts.

With all of this in mind, let’s get to the Yosuda and JOROTO bikes.

Yosuda’s YB001 comes with a 35 lb flywheel, which is easily heavy enough to provide a nice workout. This heavy flywheel is combined with a felt friction brake to create your resistance for each session.

With this friction brake system, you can make unlimited incremental adjustments to your resistance because there are no set “resistance levels” to speak of.

Instead, you have to go by how the resistance feels to judge your intensity.

The JOROTO X2 also comes with a 35 lb flywheel, so no big difference there, however the X2 uses a magnetic system.

True, it’s a magnetic system in the most basic terms, but I still prefer magnets to felt.

With the X2, as you twist the resistance knob, you still have a resistance lever that gets closer and closer to the flywheel, but instead of having a felt pad on that lever, you have a series of small magnets.

I’ve noticed a lot of affordable cycles are doing this now and I have to say, it’s a pretty clever (and affordable) way to offer a magnetic system.

Users seem to agree both bikes offer surprisingly smooth operation, but I prefer the feel of a magnetic system to a friction brake (and it’s nice not having to worry about replacing the pad too).

Otherwise, both bikes offer belt drive systems (as opposed to chains) and both bikes are considered to be vey quiet during use by owners.

Overall, I’m giving this category to the JOROTO because I like magnetic systems better, but they both come with the same flywheel weight and belt drive system.

(FYI- Yosuda’s YB007A comes with a heavier, 40 lb flywheel, but still uses the same friction brake resistance system).


A bike’s resistance system is an important component to consider, but so is the frame.

A quality spin bike should have a stable frame that isn’t going to rock and wobble during use, especially if you plan on standing and working against heavy resistance.

The best way to tell how stable a bike feels is to get your hands on it and take it for a test drive. Unfortunately, this is rarely an option these days, where most of us are shopping online for such items.

The next best thing to hopping on a bike is to look at a few key specs regarding the frame: the assembled weight and the weight capacity.

Seeing higher numbers in both specs is a good thing and indicative of a heavier-duty bike (literally).

Yosuda’s bike comes with an assembled weight of 73 lb and a weight capacity of 270 lb- both of which are pretty standard for an affordable cycle, but still quite low when talking about quality bikes.

The JOROTO X2 comes with an assembled weight of 94 lb and a weight capacity of 300 lb.

Seeing a 21 lb difference between these 2 cycles is pretty significant, especially considering their flywheels weigh the same amount.

Based on these specs, it’s pretty safe to say the X2 is a heavy-duty bike than the Yosuda cycle. Not only should it feel more stable during workouts, but it can also safely hold larger users.


I know- warranties are pretty boring to talk about.

But I still say they’re one of the most important specs to consider for any bike.

That said, we’re talking about bikes that cost well under $500 here, so we really shouldn’t expect much in the warranty department for either bike.

The Yosuda and JOROTO cycles each come with the same warranty:

  • 1 year parts

Yeah, I know, pretty weak, but that’s what we get with bikes in this price range (keep in mind there are reasons affordable bikes are so affordable in the first place).

Overall, I don’t see any differences in the warranties between these bikes, so this spec won’t likely play any part in your decision making between them.

Moving on.


Ok, we’ve gone over the major performance specs for each bike, time to switch over and look at the other features they have to offer.

Both of these cycles are very basic bikes, so this shouldn’t take long.

Both bikes come with very small LCD consoles that can track a few basic metrics, including: time, distance, calories, and speed.

The Yosuda cycle also comes with an odometer that keeps track of your overall mileage.

Neither cycle is compatible with bluetooth apps or heart rate monitors.

Both cycles come with multi-grip handle bars, although the JOROTO X2’s are fully adjustable, allowing you to change both the height and fore/aft position, while the Yosuda’s are only height adjustable.

Both cycles comes with toe cage pedals, meaning you can ride with any shoe you like (don’t need cleats), but you can easily swap ’em out on either bike.

Both bikes also come with fully adjustable seats, water bottle holders, and tablet holders.

Overall, the biggest difference I see between these 2 in terms of features is that the X2 comes with the fully adjustable handle bars.

Otherwise, these cycles are pretty identical.


I’ve mentioned a few times that the Yosuda and Joroto bikes are both very affordable options. Well, it’s about time to get a little more specific.

Keep in mind that prices on bikes can vary, depending on where you buy and what time of year you’re shopping- so if these numbers aren’t 100% accurate don’t hate me.

That said, here are the prices for these bikes at the time of writing this article:

Yosuda (YB001)- $279.99

JOROTO X2- $399.99

So, the X2 costs about $100 or so more than the Yosuda YB001, but both bikes are in the same budget category.

Is the X2 worth the extra cash?

Keep reading.

Other Considerations

I like to save this area for any additional tidbits of knowledge I want to provide before I wrap things up.

In this case, I don’t have a lot else to say.

I do want to mention that surprisingly enough, Yosuda’s customer service has a pretty good reputation (although it’s highly suggested that you email instead of trying to call).

JOROTO’s customer service is actually well reviewed too (it’s recommended to reach them via email as well).

So many affordable (as well as expensive) brands are known for having awful customer service, it’s refreshing to hear about companies with decent service.

Otherwise, I don’t have thing else to really add here.

Final Thoughts

Ok, I think it’s about time to wrap things up here.

When it comes to Yosuda vs JOROTO, I officially declare the winner to be…


(I feel like that unveiling was a lot more dramatic in my head than it ends up on screen, oh well).

Yeah, if I was going to buy one of these bikes tomorrow, I’d go with the Joroto X2.

These bikes are very similar in terms of flywheels and features, but I think the fact that the X2 uses a magnetic resistance system is enough to warrant the extra 100 bucks.

And then when you add in the fact that the X2 is significantly heavier-duty, I think it’s a pretty easy call.

Yosuda’s YB007A is an upgraded version of the YB001 and comes with a 40 lb flywheel, a heavier frame (86 lb) and a higher weight limit of 330 lb.

These upgrades will cost ya an extra $60 or so, and are worth it, but I’d still go with the X2 because the YB007A still uses a friction pad system.

Overall, if you’re on a tight budget and have to go with a bike under $300, the Yosuda cycle is one of the best options out there, but if you can afford it I think the JOROTO X2 is the better buy.


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