NordicTrack’s S15i vs The S22i – Which Cycle Makes More Sense?

NordicTrack’s Commercial Studio Cycles, more specifically their S15i and S22i, have rapidly become some of the most popular streaming bikes on the market.

This isn’t that big of a surprise, I mean this is NordicTrack we’re talking about after all, but in this case it’s pretty easy to see why.

Not only do both bikes offer workout streaming on impressive, HD touchscreen displays, but they also both offer something you won’t find on any other exercise bike: the ability to incline and decline.

Long-story-short, both bikes are pretty awesome.

But if you’ve found your way to this article, you probably already know that.

The real question is whether or not you should save some cash and go with the S15i or is it worth it to go all in and purchase the S22i.

And that’s what I’m here to help you figure out.

In this article, I’ll compare all the key specs and features each bike comes with. I’ll also discuss price and talk about which bike I think is a better investment.

After reading, you’ll know everything you need to in order to decide for yourself which streaming cycle is the best fit for your home.

NordicTrack Commercial S15iNordicTrack Commercial S22i
Resistance32 lb flywheel
22 levels of magnetic resistance
32 lb flywheel
24 levels of magnetic resistance
Frame203 lb in box weight
350 lb weight capacity
203 lb in box weight
350 lb weight capacity
Warranty10 year frame
2 year parts
1 year labor
10 year frame
2 year parts
1 year labor
Features14" HD touchscreen display
-10% to 20% incline/decline
Automatic trainer control during workouts
Fully adjustable seat
Multi-grip handlebars
3 lb dumbbells included
Bluetooth headphone compatible
Heart rate monitor compatible
 AutoBreeze cooling fan
Toe-cage pedals
Water bottle holders
Built-in speakers
1 year subscription to iFit
22" HD touchscreen display
-10% to 20% incline/decline
Automatic trainer control during workouts
Fully adjustable seat
Multi-grip handlebars
3 lb dumbbells included
Bluetooth headphone compatible
Heart rate monitor compatible
 AutoBreeze cooling fan
Toe-cage pedals
Water bottle holders
Built-in speakers
1 year subscription to iFit

NordicTrack’s Commercial S15i vs The S22i


NordicTrack is a well-known, respected home fitness brand and they have been for some time now.

The answer to this question may reveal a little something about your age, so don’t feel like you have to answer this one if you don’t want to, but remember those cross country ski machines?

Yes, the goofy looking ones.

Ha, well that ski machine is where it all started for NordicTrack (and you can still buy them today, fyi).

As silly looking as they were, they were (and still are) quite effective at providing a great cardio workout.

NordicTrack obviously expanded their lineup a lot over the years, and now offers an extensive lineup of treadmills, ellipticals, rowers, and bikes to choose from.

Something most NordicTrack machines have in common these days is their iFit compatibility, but more on that later.

The S15i and the S22i are the only 2 indoor cycles NordicTrack offers these days and they have a lot in common.

As we compare these 2 bikes, I think it makes sense to start with the performance specs and then move on to the features, so that’s what we’ll do.


I think the resistance is the most important thing to consider when looking at any indoor cycle. If you’re looking for a bike for streaming purposes you might not be as concerned with this kinda stuff, but trust me- it’s still important.

Streaming or no streaming, you want a bike that works smoothly and feels stable.

A bike’s resistance is comprised of 2 main components (well, at least the simplified way I look at it): the flywheel and the resistance mechanism.

When it comes to the flywheel, heavier is usually better because the extra weight builds more momentum as it spins, which creates a smoother feel.

The resistance mechanism can either be a friction brake or a magnetic setup. I would argue magnetic is unequivocally better because it’s smoother and doesn’t require the replacement of a felt pad.

With all of this in mind, the S15i and the S22i both come with a 32 lb flywheel.

At this weight, both bikes are well-equipped to provide a smooth feeling pedal motion, as well as a substantial amount of overall resistance.

Both bikes also come with a magnetic resistance system, which is great. The only difference is that the S15i comes with 22 levels and the S22i comes with 24.

When it comes to resistance levels, having more is a good thing because it allows you to make smaller intensity changes between levels, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you get more total resistance.

When it comes to the resistance systems for these 2 bikes, that’s the only difference- both bikes have the same flywheel, but the S22i comes with 2 additional resistance levels to work with.


When it comes to the resistance, these 2 bikes are very similar. Let’s take a look at the frames and see if there’s anything significantly different going on in this department.

When talking bike frames, I like to look at the assembled weight and the weight capacity.

Seeing higher numbers in both is a good thing because these specs will give ya an idea as to how stable and “heavy-duty” the bike will feel during use.

A heavier bike is more likely to feel stable than a lighter bike.

The S15i and the S22i come with the same in box product weight of 203 lb (this includes packaging weight, so the actual assembled weight would be a little lower, but it’s still the same for each bike), which is very heavy for a spin bike.

The weight capacity for each is also identical at 350 lb.

Overall, there are no noticeable differences between the frames of these 2 cycles with regards to these 2 specs.

There is a small difference when you compare the assembled dimensions of each, but I doubt it would make enough difference to play any part when deciding between them:

S15i: 60″ x 22″ x 58″ (L x W x H)

S22i: 63″ x 22″ x 60″ (L x W x H)


I know the warranty isn’t a very interesting spec to talk about, but I think it’s one of the most important things to keep in mind when comparing bikes.

A short warranty can be a sign of a sub-par product, so I encourage you to always consider this spec (as boring as it may be) when comparing bikes of any kind.

I feel like I had to say that, but in this case the warranty won’t have to be a factor because both bikes come with the same guarantee:

  • 10 year frame
  • 2 year parts
  • 1 year labor

And I think this is a great warranty for either bike.

The 10 year frame warranty is 2x as long as what many other high-end indoor cycle brands are offering (Peloton included).

Two years on parts is pretty standard, as is a year on labor.

Overall though, the S15i and S22i both come with a great warranty.


Alright, time to get to the fun stuff.

These are the features we’re all interested in- consoles, pedals, seats, etc. Since these 2 cycles are so similar, I’m gonna start with their differences and then talk about the features they have in common.

And this isn’t going to take long because there’s really only 1 difference between them- the size of the console.

The S15i comes with a 14″, HD touchscreen console that can rotate 360° for easy viewing when not on the cycle (which comes in handy when doing other iFit workouts).

The S22i comes with the same HD, rotating touchscreen, but this one is larger at 22″.

When it comes to the features, that is the only difference I can find. Otherwise, these 2 bikes are identical. Additional features both bikes share include:

  • -10% to 20% incline/decline
  • Automatic trainer control during workouts
  • Fully adjustable seat
  • Multi-grip handlebars
  • 3 lb dumbbells included
  • Bluetooth headphone compatible
  • Heart rate monitor compatible
  •  AutoBreeze cooling fan
  • Toe-cage pedals
  • Water bottle holders
  • Built-in speakers
  • 1 year subscription to iFit

So yeah, there’s a lot of good stuff going on with both models.

The ability to adjust the incline/decline angle is a unique feature I’ve never seen on any other exercise bike before. Users seem to love it, as it really helps mimic the feel of riding outdoors.

The automatic trainer controls is another nice feature that allows the instructor to control your resistance and incline levels for you during your workouts (you can override of course), allowing you to simply follow along without having to worry about adjusting these yourself.

Of course in order to take advantage of all of these features, you’ll have to sign up for an iFit account.

iFit is NordicTrack’s streaming app service. Both bikes are designed to work with it and through it, you get access to unlimited, instructor-led workouts.

There are both live and on-demand workouts to choose from, as well as scenic rides.

iFit is full of cycling classes, as well as non-cycling classes too (think yoga, pilates, strength training, etc).

Last time I checked, iFit costs around $39/month, but you can save a little by purchasing a year at a time.


Speaking of cost, let’s take a look at what each bike is going for these days.

As I quote these figures, please keep in mind that prices can vary from time to time, depending on promotions and where ya buy, so don’t hate me if these numbers aren’t 100% accurate.

But at the time of writing this, these bikes were going for the following prices:

S15i: $1,599

S22i: $1,999

Ok, so there’s basically a $400 difference between these 2 bikes.

And even though the S22i comes with a couple of extra resistance levels to play with, this extra cash is basically getting you the larger console.

When considering these prices, keep in mind you’ll be responsible for the monthly iFit subscription fee too.

Does the larger screen make enough of a difference to make it worth an extra $400? That’s a personal question, but keep reading and I’ll provide my 2 cents.

Other Considerations

Before I do though, I like to save this section of the article for any extra info I want to include that might not fit perfectly into the other categories.

These bikes are from the same brand, so I don’t really have any concerns regarding brand recognition or reputation, or anything like that.

I do want to point out that NordicTrack’s customer service doesn’t have a great reputation though.

They get numerous complaints each year from users about how difficult it is to get in touch with them or how long it takes to hear back from them and all that.

This reputation is definitely something to be aware of, but I don’t think it’s a deal breaker by any means.

And honestly, most of the larger fitness brands have the same issue- it’s just something you have to deal with if the need comes up.

Final Thoughts

Ok, I think that about does it for me when it comes to the Commercial S15i and the S22i.

If nothing else, I hope this review illustrates just how similar these 2 cycles are.

The most significant difference is that the S22i comes with a significantly larger console, although it also offers 2 additional resistance levels and a slightly larger frame.

Are these differences enough to warrant the extra cost?

I would say yes.

Even though there really isn’t any difference in the way these 2 bikes perform, there is a big difference between a 22″ screen and a 14″ screen.

So if you’re looking for the most enjoyable streaming experience, the larger screen is going to be a big perk.

On the other hand, if you’re working with a tighter budget, you shouldn’t feel like you’re missing out on a lot with choosing the S15i- again, these 2 bikes will perform the same.

Overall, regardless of which you choose, you can rest assured you’re getting a kick-ass bike.


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