Everything You Need To Know About ProForm’s 235 CSX Recumbent Bike [A Review]

ProForm’s 235 CSX is an affordable recumbent bike that’s become quite popular with the folks looking for a decent bike that won’t break the bank.

Not only does it come sportin’ a well-known brand name, but it’s packin’ some respectable performance specs too.

More specifically, we’re talking about 18 levels of magnetic resistance, 18 built-in workout programs, and a surprisingly heavy-duty frame (for the price range).

The biggest downside I see is the simple console that’s lacking some of the more advanced tech features we’ve come to expect these days.

Well, that and the lackluster warranty.

All things considered, I think ProForm’s 235 CSX is a pretty good buy for the price range, but it definitely depends on a few things.

And those things are exactly what we’re here to discuss.

In this review, I’ll go over everything this recumbent bike does and doesn’t have going for it.

After reading, you’ll know once and for all whether or not the ProForm 235 CSX is the right bike for your home.

The ProForm 235 CSX Recumbent Bike

ProForm is one of the bigger names in home fitness, although I have to admit that sometimes I kind of forget about ’em.

And I’m not sure why either because they’ve always been a pretty solid brand.

ProForm is also owned by the bigger company ICON Fitness, who also owns NordicTrack, as well as a few other brands.

ICON also owns iFit, the streaming fitness app, which is why so many ProForm and NordicTrack machines are compatible with the app.

Anyway, ProForm’s bike lineup isn’t that big these days – they’ve only got a handful or so of bikes to choose from.

And like pretty much everybody else these days, they seem to be pushing their spin bikes more than anything else.

The 235 CSX is one of ProForm’s older models and they don’t offer it directly anymore, but you can still find it on retail sites like Amazon or Wal-Mart.


  • Affordable
  • 18 levels of magnetic resistance
  • 18 built-in workout programs
  • Heavy-duty frame (for price range)
  • Respectable flywheel (for price range)
  • Built-in speakers
  • Grip heart rate monitors
  • Quiet
  • Comfortable seat


  • Very short parts warranty
  • Console not bluetooth compatible
  • AC adapter not included with purchase


I think the resistance system is the first and foremost thing you should consider for any exercise bike, regardless of what kind of bike it is.

I say that because it’s the resistance system that gives a bike its “feel”.

You know what I’m talking about here – some bikes have smooth pedal motions and others don’t, well, it’s the resistance system that largely determines this.

And even though recumbent bikes aren’t necessary chosen for their ability to provide intense workouts, it’s still good practice to check the weight of the flywheels on these models too because heavier flywheels usually provide smoother operation.

The extra weight builds more momentum as the flywheel spins, reducing any lag between pedal strokes.

Higher end recumbent bikes will come with flywheels in the 20 – 30 lb range, while cheaper models tend to come with flywheels in the 10 -13 lb range.

With this in mind, the 235 CSX is packing a 14 lb flywheel.

This is light when compared to the nicer recumbents, but it’s pretty good for a bike in this price range.

For the sake of comparison, Schwinn’s popular 270 is only packing a 13 lb flywheel.

So, the 235 CSX is packing as heavy a flywheel as we can realistically expect for this price range, but it also comes with 18 levels of magnetic resistance to work with.

Having more resistance levels doesn’t necessarily mean more overall resistance – but it does mean you can smaller adjustments to it, allowing you to find tune your intensity.

18 resistance levels is a lot for a bike in this price range where 8 – 12 levels is common.

Overall, the 235 CSX scores highly for a bike in this price range. With a 14 lb flywheel and 18 levels at your disposal, this recumbent bike has more to offer than most.


One of the biggest differences between cheaper bikes and higher-end ones is how lightweight cheaper bikes tend to feel.

They tend to rock and wiggle around some when you work out, taking something away from the comfort factor.

This is because cheaper bikes come with less material and weigh less than the nicer models.

To be fair, this is also one of the reasons those cheaper bikes are cheaper to begin with.

Anyway, the best way to determine how heavy-duty a bike’s going to feel before buying is to actually take it for a test drive – unfortunately, these days most of us are purchasing online and this isn’t always an option.

The next best thing is to look at the assembled weight and weight capacities.

Seeing high numbers in both categories is a good sign that the bike will feel stable and secure during use.

The 235 CSX comes with an assembled weight of 102 lb and a max weight capacity of 275 lb.

With a weight of around 100 lb, this bike is a bit heavier than most in this price range, where most comps weigh somewhere between 80 – 90 lb.

This extra weight is a good thing because it’ll make for a more stable base.

The weight limit on this bike isn’t bad either, although I like to see at least a 300 lb limit to ensure a nice solid frame.

But again, to be fair, 275 lb is pretty good for this price range.

Overall, the 235 CSX comes with about as heavy a duty frame as we can expect in this price range and a weight limit high enough to safely hold most riders.


ProForm backs their 235 CSX Recumbent Bike with the following residential warranty:

  • 7 year frame
  • 90 day parts
  • 90 day labor

Ok, so the frame warranty for this bike is listed as 7 years according to the owner’s manual, but it’s also listed as 5 years on Amazon.

I’m going to go with what the manual says, but either way it’s pretty good for a bike in this price range.

What isn’t good is a 90 days parts warranty – this is really short.

Since this is ProForm we’re talking about here, I’d like to see at least a year on parts.

90 days on labor is also short, but at this price point you don’t usually get any labor warranty.

Overall, the warranty on this bike isn’t great, but again – there are reasons why some bikes cost less.

P.S. – Like NordicTrack, ProForm’s customer service doesn’t exactly have a stellar reputation either.


The ProForm 235 CSX Recumbent Bike comes with the following features:

LCD console- the console on this bike is small and simple, nothing too fancy going on here. It displays all the basic metrics you’d expect, but it also estimates watt output, which is a nice surprise. Something worth noting is that the console is battery powered, but it’s also compatible with an AC adapter if you want to plug it into the wall (adapter sold separately).

18 workout programs- there are 9 watt output oriented and 9 calorie oriented workouts to choose from, giving you plenty of options.

Heart rate monitoring- this bike comes with built-in grip heart rate monitors for a rough estimation of your heart rate (this things are rarely accurate). Unfortunately, the 235 CSX isn’t compatible with strap monitors.

Speakers- you can plug your phone or mp3 player up to the console through the audio port and listen to music through the speakers if you like.

Adjustable seat- the seat is pretty standard, nothing particularly interesting to say here. It’s easy to adjust the height position and most users find it fairly comfortable.

Water bottle holder- and I know everyone was worried, but yes, there is a water bottle holder included!


Before we wrap this review up we should probably talk about price a little.

I realize I’ve mentioned the “budget price range” this bike falls in, but let’s get a little more specific.

As I write this, the 235 CSX varies quite a bit in price, depending on where you find it.

I’ve found it for as low as $329 and as high as $715 (which is absurd by the way).

I hate to quote specific prices because as soon as I post this, the price will inevitably change and my review won’t be as accurate as I’d like.

Regardless, I still think it’s helpful to talk numbers. So please don’t hate me if my numbers are wrong here.

Most of the quotes I’m finding for the 235 CSX are between $329 and $521 though.

There are tons of generic recumbents that go for $300 or less, but most of ’em kinda suck. In terms of legit comps, there’s the Nautilus R616, which goes for around $600 and has a much better console and a much better warranty.

There’s also the Schwinn 230 which goes for around $500, which is very comparable in terms of performance, but it does come with bluetooth and again, a much better warranty.

So, is the 235 CSX worth investing in?

Final Thoughts

The answer to that question depends entirely on what price you find it for.

I like this recumbent bike for $300- $400; I don’t particularly like it for anything higher.

As $300 recumbents go, it’s pretty awesome. I like that it comes with a smooth acting magnetic resistance system and so many workouts to choose from.

It’s also packing a pretty heavy flywheel and a very heavy-duty frame for that price range.

But as you get closer to $500, there are some better options out there.

Most notably the Nautilus R616 and Schwinn 230 mentioned above.

These 2 recumbents both come with bluetooth capabilities and superior warranties.

Overall, if you can find the 235 CSX for $400 or lower, I say go for it, that’s a pretty good deal. Any more than that and I think you’re better off going with a higher-end bike.


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