The Concept2 BikeErg – A Unique Spin On Indoor Cycling [A Review]


Concept2’s BikeErg is an air bike that mimics the feel of riding a road bike – it’s kinda like combining an indoor cycle with a fan bike.

And yes, this is the same Concept2 that became famous for their world-class rowing machines.

With their BikeErg, they took the same efficient flywheel they use on their rowers and added it to a sleek, lightweight indoor cycle frame.

They also gave the BikeErg the same popular PM5 monitor used on their rowing machines, allowing folks to access and store all their data.

The result is a unique, high-end indoor cycle unlike any other I’ve come across, but I don’t think it’s going to be for everyone.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Concept2 BikeErg, you’ve come to the right place.

In this review, I’ll go over everything this bike has to offer, including where it falls a bit short.

After reading, you’ll know whether or not this is the right cycle for your home.

Let’s begin.

The Concept2 BikeErg

As I mentioned above, Concept2 made a name for themselves with their elite, fan powered rowing machines.

They’ve expanded a little from their original lineup over the years and they now offer a skierg and the bikeerg we’re here to discuss now.

Of course I think it all really started with their oars.

Anyway, my point is, Concept2 is a very well respected brand and their rowing machines are considered some of the finest in the world.

I think I read somewhere that their rower is the most popular rower of choice for elite rowers when they’re not on the water.

But when it comes to exercise bikes, the BikeErg is the only one they offer, at the time of writing this anyway.

Oh, and don’t be scared off by the “erg” part of its name – this is short for “ergometer”, which is simply the fancy term for an exercise machine that can track how much work you’ve done (data).

In therapy, we use the terms upper body and lower body ergometers, but they really just mean exercise bikes (for the arms or legs).


  • Unlimited, air resistance
  • 10 damper settings
  • Belt drive
  • Advanced PM5 monitor
  • Multi-grip handles
  • Fully adjustable handlebars
  • 300 lb weight limit
  • Lightweight, easy to move
  • Device holder
  • Pretty good warranty


  • Have to reach down to damper to adjust
  • Seat not fully adjustable
  • Wind creates fair amount of noise
  • No water bottle holder


I like to start all my reviews with a rundown on the bike’s resistance system because I think this is the most important aspect of any bike.

The BikeErg is an air bike, meaning it uses a spinning fan cutting through the air to create all the resistance you work against, but it’s different from pretty much all other air bikes that I’ve seen.

Mostly, because you’ll notice there aren’t any handles for your arms.

All of the traditional air or fan bikes (think Rogue’s Echo Bike or Schwinn’s Airdyne AD7) come with handles for your arms, so you can get a full body workout in.

These are great for HIIT workouts and whatnot, but they’re certainly not going to provide the experience of riding an outdoor bike.

Well, the BikeErg is an air bike that’s designed to function like an indoor cycle.

So, on this bike, you don’t use your arms, but the resistance still reacts like a traditional fan bike.

This means the faster you pedal, the more resistance you feel.

This is great in that there are no max resistance levels, meaning the only thing really limiting how much resistance you can achieve is you.

But folks who like the idea of having preset resistance levels might not like this.

That said, the BikeErg does come with damper settings (10), allowing you to adjust how much air gets to that spinning flywheel.

And more air means more overall resistance.

But the same principal still stands – pedaling faster will provide more resistance, regardless of damper setting.

Using the damper can be thought of changing gears on a road bike, giving you more control over the feel of each workout.

I like that the BikeErg comes with damper settings, but I think it’s a little inconvenient to have reach down to the flywheel to change them during workouts.

True, it’s not that far and most folks should be able to reach it easily from a seated position, but it would still be cool if you could somehow change the damper setting from the handlebars.

Certainly not a deal breaker though.

Something you should know though, that as an air bike, the BikeErg isn’t really quiet like most magnetic indoor cycles – that spinning fan makes a fair amount of noise.

You’ll also feel the air it puts off on your left leg during workouts.

Some folks might like the cooling affect of feeling the wind, but others probably won’t.

But again, as an air bike, there aren’t any resistance levels to mess with on the BikeErg, just the damper settings you can use to adjust the feel.

Overall, I think its cool that Concept2 designed their BikeErg around the same air powered flywheel used on their rowers, but you should be certain you’re ok with the noise and wind it produces before buying.


The first thing that stands out to me is the shape of the BikeErg – it looks a little longer than your traditional indoor cycle.

But when you take a peek at the dimensions, it only takes up a floor space of 48″ x 24″, which is pretty average for indoor bikes.

I think the fact that the pedals are a little farther away from the flywheel gives it a stretched out look.

More importantly though, the BikeErg is constructed out of an aluminum frame, making for a lighter weight bike than most.

With an assembled weight of only 68 lb, this cycle will be very easy to move around your home as needed.

I’m a proponent of checking assembled weights and I usually opt for heavier bikes because they tend to feel more stable during use.

But in this case, we have to keep in mind that the BikeErg doesn’t use a heavy, weighted flywheel, which is going to cut down dramatically on the overall weight of the bike.

And users seem to agree that the BikeErg feels stable and is of quality construction (I’d expect no less from Concept2).

The BikeErg comes with a max weight limit of 300 lb, which is pretty average for exercise bikes, but it’s high enough to accommodate most riders.

Speaking of which, this bike should be able to fit folks with inseams between 28″ – 37″, again, allowing folks of most heights the ability to fit comfortably.

Overall, the BikeErg comes with a lightweight, yet sturdy frame designed to hold users of many shapes and sizes.


Concept2 backs their BikeErg with the following residential warranty:

  • 5 year frame
  • 2 year parts

The “frame” warranty hear actually covers several parts, including the flywheel, the front/rear leg assemblies, the seat, pedals, cranks, handlebars, etc.

Everything else falls under the 2 year parts warranty, although I’m not sure really what else there is.

So, most of this bike is covered under a 5 year warranty, which is great for parts, but it would still be nice to see a lifetime frame guarantee.

Not that I think the BikeErg’s frame is in any risk of breaking down, but still, it’s nice to have a lifetime guarantee for added peace of mind.

Overall though, I think this is a solid warranty.


The Concept2 BikeErg comes with the following included features:

PM5 monitor- this is the same monitor Concept2 uses on their rowers and SkiErg and folks love it. It’s easy to use and is capable of showing and calculating all kinds of workout data, including watts, pace, distance, speed, and calories and you get to choose between different views to see your info. It also stores all this info automatically. The PM5 comes with several built-in workouts and is ANT+ and bluetooth compatible with devices, including fitness apps like ErgData. You can also race other folks using BikErgs for a little friendly competition when the mood strikes.

Fully adjustable handlebars- you can adjust the height and fore/aft position of the handlebars, making it easier to find a comfortable riding position. The multi-grip handlebars also include drop handles, giving you the ability to more closely mimic the feel of riding a road bike.

Height adjustable seat- the seat is only height adjustable, although adjusting the height does also change its fore/aft position a little automatically.

Standard pedals- the pedals on the BikeErg are designed to be used with sneakers, although you could easily swap ’em out for cleat compatible pedals of your choice.

Device holder- there’s an included tablet/phone holder that connects above the monitor, giving you the option to watch your device during workouts if you like.


At the time of writing this, the Concept2 BikeErg is going for $1100.

I remember a time when this bike costed $900, but I guess inflation gets to everything eventually.

Oh well, I guess that’s just how it goes.

Anyway, at just over $1k, the BikeErg is still reasonably priced as indoor bikes go, especially when compared to the more expensive streaming cycles.

Compared to other air bikes, it’s priced pretty competitively.

Schwinn’s Airdyne AD7 usually goes for around $1k, although as I’m writing this Amazon has it on sale for just over $700, which is a great deal.

There’s also Rogue’s Echo Bike, which goes for around $845; and of course we can’t forget the AssaultBike Classic, that costs around $750.

These are all traditional air bikes though, and the BikeErg is different – it’s more like an indoor cycle.

There are plenty of great indoor cycles in the $1k range, including Schwinn’s IC4, Bowflex’s C6/7, Sole’s SB900… the list goes on.

Long story short, it’s hard to directly compare the BikeErg to any of these cycles because it really is unique in how it combines air resistance with an indoor cycling design.

But based on the quality of its construction and the prices of these other bikes, I think it’s fairly priced.

Final Thoughts

Ok, that about does it for the BikeErg.

I respect Concept2 for their rowing machines and monitors and I think the BikeErg is a really impressive specimen (and likely one of the best air bikes on the market).

But that said, I don’t think this bike is going to be for everyone.

If you’re thinking about investing in this cycle, you have to be ok with the noise level and you have to be ok with the idea of feeling wind on you throughout your workouts.

You also have to comfortable with using air based resistance and not having traditional resistance levels to control the intensity of your workouts.

Personally, I think the BikeErg is probably best suited for more experienced cyclists or folks who at least have some experience with air bikes.

If you’re new to indoor cycling and aren’t as comfortably with maintaining paces, you might be better off with a more traditional indoor cycle.

But if you understand how this bike works and are looking for a unique, high-end indoor cycle, I doubt you’ll be disappointed with the BikeErg.


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